Banja Luka to Herceg Novi
Travel by Car: The driving distance between Banja Luka and Herceg Novi (Montenegro) following the shortest route (road M-16) is 390 km, and travelling time is 5 hours and 40 minutes. The road condition is not so good, so travelling time can be a little bit longer, especially in the summer season.
Travel by Bus: Timetable for direct buses between Banja Luka and Herceg Novi is listed below. If there are no direct buses available it is possible to travel from Banja Luka to Dubrovnik where you then switch to a bus to Herceg Novi.
Departure - Arrival | Info | Company | Price (Single / Return) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ID-7927 | 18:15 - 07:30 |
Operational intervals
01.07. - 31.08. Wednesday Saturday |
Prevoz Golubić Neobas |
ID-7929 | 23:00 - 07:05 |
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12. Monday Friday |
Bocac Tours
Lazaro Prevoz Golubić Neobas |
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ID-10880 | 23:55 - 08:50 |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
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Alternative ways of travelling from Banja Luka to Herceg Novi:
Travel by train: On this route there is no possibility to travel by train.
Travel by plane: On this route there is no direct flight.
Map with buses from Banja Luka:
Prikaži Bus Banja Luka na većoj karti