Banja Luka to Tuzla

Travel by Car: The driving distance between Banja Luka  and Tuzla following the shortest route (road M-4) is about 160 km, travel time is around 2 hours and 20 minutes. The road condition is not so good, so travelling time can be a little bit longer.

Travel by Bus: Timetable and price for direct buses between Banja Luka and Tuzla is listed below.

There are 3 people currently looking how to get from Banja Luka (BA) to Tuzla (BA)!
  Departure - Arrival Info Company Price (Single / Return)  
ID-1167  21:05 - 00:35
Station Arrival Departure
Nova Gorica 14:00
Obrezje 17:45 17:45
Bregana 17:55 17:55
Gradiska BP. 19:55 20:10
Banja Luka 21:05 21:05
Doboj 23:10 23:10
Tuzla 00:35 00:35
Zvornik 01:40
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.


Trebava Ekspres
Rimi Milica Ristić
ID-1228  22:40 - 03:32
Station Arrival Departure
Velenje 18:15
Celje 18:45 18:45
Krsko 20:09 20:09
Obrezje 20:30 20:30
Bregana 20:40 20:40
Stara Gradiska 22:10 22:10
Gradiška 22:20 22:20
Banja Luka 22:40 22:40
Klasnice 22:55 22:55
Prnjavor 23:20 23:20
Teslic 00:50 00:50
Jelah 01:04 01:04
Doboj 01:20 01:20
Gracanica 01:49 01:49
Lukavac 02:34 02:34
Tuzla 03:32 03:32
Zivinice 04:02
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.


Žiga Tours
This information is supplied without liability

Alternative ways of travelling from Banja Luka to Tuzla:

Travel by train: It is possible to travel from Banja Luka to Tuzla by train, more info you can find here.

Travel by plane: On this route there is no direct flight.

Map with buses from Banja Luka:

Prikaži Bus Banja Luka na većoj karti