Banja Luka to Zadar
Travel by Car: Shortest distance between Banja Luka and Zadar is about 300 km and travel time is around 4 hours. In Croatia route partly goes via highway where toll fees apply. There is also alternative costal road, but travelling time will be much longer, especially in the summer season.
Travel by Bus: There are some direct buses from Banja Luka to Zadar, timetable and prices are listed below.
Departure - Arrival | Info | Company | Price (Single / Return) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ID-854 | 05:30 - 13:59 |
Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday |
Tourist Company d.o.o.
/ |
Alternative ways of travelling from Banja Luka to Zadar:
Travel by train: Travelling by train is in principle possible, but it is a long trip which goes via Zagreb, so travelling time is considerably longer than travelling by bus or car. More information about train in Bosnia you can find here.
Travel by plane: On this route there is no direct flight.
Map with buses from Banja Luka:
Prikaži Bus Banja Luka na većoj karti