Medjugorje to Dubrovnik

Travel by Car: The driving distance between Medjugorje and Dubrovnik is about 125 km, whit a travel time about 1 hour and 50 minutes, this route goes via Metkovic in Croatia, and there are several alternative routes to choose between.

Travel by Bus: There are a few direct buses from Medjugorje to Dubrovnik, current timetable and prices can found here, travel time by bus is a bit more than 2 hours.

Alternative ways of travelling from Medjugorje to Dubrovnik

Travel by train: Travelling with Train is possible only in combination with bus, from Capljina (15 km from Medjugorje), there is train to Ploce, from where you have buses to Dubrovnik, from a time perspective this trip takes much longer than travelling by bus or car.

Travel by plane: On the route Medjugorje (Mostar) to Dubrovnik there is no direct flight.

Large group: if you are a large group you can rent a bus from Medjugorje to Dubrovnik, more information about coach rental from Medjugorje you can find here.

Map with buses from Mejdugorje:

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