Medjugorje to Ljubljana
Travel by Car: The travel distance between Medjugorje and Ljubljana is about 570 km, which under normal circumstance should take about 6 hours, the travel route goes via the Croatian highway.
Travel by Bus: There are a limited number of bus departures between Medjugorje and Ljubljana, the current schedule as well as ticket prices you can see here.
Alternative ways of travelling from Medjugorje to Ljubljana
Travel by train: The closest train station is in Capljina (15 km from Medjugorje), from there is train to Sarajevo, which have several international connection e.g. to Zagreb in Croatia.
Travel by plane: Only major international airport in Bosnia is the one in Sarajevo the current destination available from that airport you can check here.
Map with buses from Mejdugorje:
View Bus Medjugorje in a larger map