Medjugorje to Sarajevo

Travel by Car: The driving distance between Medjugorje and Sarajevo is about 150 km, which equals a travel time of about 2-2.5 hours, the main part of the route is via E73.

Travel by Bus: There are a limited number of direct buses from Medjugorje to Sarajevo, timetable is listed below. Alternative to the direct bus it is possible to travel Medjugorje to Mostar, and then continue from Mostar by Bus or train.

There are 3 people currently looking how to get from Medjugorje (BA) to Sarajevo (BA)!
  Departure - Arrival Info Company Price (Single / Return)  
ID-9391  11:10 - 14:25
Station Arrival Departure
Split, Bus terminal 07:30
Omis, Firestation > Split 08:15 08:15
Makarska, Bus terminal 09:00 09:00
Vrgorac, Bus terminal 09:30 09:30
Orah, Border 09:40 09:40
Orahovlje, Border 09:45 09:45
Ljubuski 10:25 10:25
Medjugorje, Bus terminal 11:10 11:10
Citluk 11:30 11:30
Mostar (West), Bus terminal 12:00 12:00
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 12:10 12:10
Jablanica, Bus terminal 12:40 12:40
Konjic 13:15 13:15
Sarajevo, Bus terminal 14:25
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.


Croatia bus-Globtour-Jadran ekspres
13 HRK / 26 HRK
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Alternative ways of travelling from Medjugorje to Sarajevo

Travel by train: The closest train station is in Capljina (15 km from Medjugorje), from there is train to Sarajevo. More information about trains in Bosnia you can find here.

Travel by plane: On this route there is no direct flight.

Map with buses from Medjugorje:

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