Mostar to Makarska

Travel by Car: The driving distance between Mostar and Makarska is about 100 km. Travel time is around 1 hour and 30 minutes. There is several alternative roads between Makarska and Mostar but fastest one goes partly via the Croatian highway where toll fees apply.

Travel by Bus: There are a few direct buses from Mostar to Makarska.

There are 2 people currently looking how to get from Mostar (east) (BA) to Makarska (HR)!
  Departure - Arrival Info Company Price (Single / Return)  
ID-808  04:30 - 07:30
Station Arrival Departure
Tuzla, Bus terminal 23:10
Kladanj, Bus terminal 00:30 00:30
Olovo, Bus terminal 01:00 01:00
Sarajevo, BP Gazprom 02:00 02:00
Konjic 02:40 02:40
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 04:30 04:30
Doljani, Border 05:10 05:10
Metkovic Border Crossing, Border 05:20 05:20
Ploce, Bus terminal 05:55 05:55
Gradac 06:10 06:10
Drvenik, Donja Vala (M) > Dubrovnik 06:35 06:35
Podgora, 2M > Split 06:50 06:50
Makarska, Bus terminal 07:30
Operational intervals
28.06. - 01.09.


Trans Turist Tuzla
16.92 HRK / 27.18 HRK
 Buy now
ID-2166  06:45 - 09:30
Station Arrival Departure
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 06:45
Mostar (West), Bus terminal 06:50 06:50
Mostar, Cathedral 06:55 06:55
Citluk 07:25 07:25
Medjugorje, Bus terminal 07:30 07:30
Ljubuski 07:45 07:45
Vitina 07:55 07:55
Orahovlje, Border 08:08 08:08
Orah, Border 08:10 08:10
Vrgorac, Bus terminal 08:25 08:25
Makarska, Bus terminal 09:30 09:30
Omis, Firestation > Split 10:10 10:10
Split, Bus terminal 10:40
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.


Croatia bus-Globtour-Jadran ekspres
23.08 HRK / 46.16 HRK
 Buy now
ID-6651  09:10 - 12:10
Station Arrival Departure
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 09:10
Citluk 09:30 09:30
Medjugorje, Bus terminal 09:40 09:40
Capljina, Bus terminal 10:05 10:10
Doljani 10:20 10:20
Metkovic Border Crossing, Border 10:25 10:25
Metkovic, Bus terminal 10:30 10:30
Makarska, Bus terminal 12:10 12:10
Omis 12:55 12:55
Split, Bus terminal 13:25
Operational intervals
15.06. - 31.08.


Autoherc - Grude
17 HRK / 27 HRK
 Buy now
ID-7839  10:00 - 13:30
Station Arrival Departure
Sarajevo, Bus terminal 07:00
Ilidza, Bus terminal 07:15 07:15
Blazuj 07:22 07:22
Hadzici 07:30 07:30
Pazaric 07:38 07:38
Tarcin 07:45 07:45
Bradina 08:00 08:00
Podorasac 08:08 08:08
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 09:50 10:00
Buna 10:35 10:35
Zitomislici 10:42 10:42
Pocitelj 10:54 10:54
Capljina, Bus terminal 11:00 11:00
Doljani, Border 11:14 11:14
Metkovic Border Crossing, Border 11:44 11:44
Metkovic, Bus terminal 11:45 11:45
Opuzen 11:56 11:56
Ploce, Bus terminal 12:10 12:15
Gradac 12:32 12:32
Brist 12:35 12:35
Zaostrog 12:41 12:41
Drvenik 12:46 12:46
Duba 12:55 12:55
Zivogosce 12:57 12:57
Igrane 13:01 13:01
Podgora 13:10 13:10
Tucepi 13:18 13:18
Makarska, Bus terminal 13:30 13:45
Promajna 13:53 13:53
Baska Voda 13:57 13:57
Brela Magistrala 14:02 14:02
Dubci 14:07 14:07
Mimice 14:15 14:15
Ruskamen, 1 (M) > Split 14:21 14:21
Omis, Firestation > Split 14:29 14:29
Dugi Rat 14:35 14:35
Split, Bus terminal 15:00
Operational intervals
15.06. - 15.09.


Centrotrans d.d.
Autoprevoz Mostar
16 HRK / 26 HRK
 Buy now
ID-7838  13:00 - 16:30
Station Arrival Departure
Sarajevo, Bus terminal 10:00
Ilidza, Bus terminal 10:15 10:15
Blazuj 10:22 10:22
Hadzici 10:30 10:30
Pazaric 10:38 10:38
Tarcin 10:45 10:45
Bradina 11:00 11:00
Podorasac 11:08 11:08
Konjic 11:15 11:25
Celebici 11:32 11:32
Ribnicki Most 11:37 11:37
Ostrožac 11:41 11:41
Jablanica, Bus terminal 11:54 11:54
Dreznica 12:21 12:21
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 12:50 13:00
Buna 13:35 13:35
Zitomislici 13:42 13:42
Pocitelj 13:54 13:54
Capljina, Bus terminal 14:00 14:00
Doljani, Border 14:14 14:14
Metkovic Border Crossing, Border 14:44 14:44
Metkovic, Bus terminal 14:45 14:45
Opuzen 14:56 14:56
Ploce, Bus terminal 15:10 15:15
Gradac 15:32 15:32
Brist 15:35 15:35
Zaostrog 15:41 15:41
Drvenik 15:46 15:46
Duba 15:55 15:55
Zivogosce 15:57 15:57
Igrane 16:01 16:01
Podgora 16:10 16:10
Tucepi 16:18 16:18
Makarska, Bus terminal 16:30 16:45
Promajna 16:53 16:53
Baska Voda 16:57 16:57
Brela Magistrala 17:02 17:02
Dubci 17:07 17:07
Mimice 17:15 17:15
Ruskamen, 1 (M) > Split 17:21 17:21
Omis, Firestation > Split 17:29 17:29
Dugi Rat 17:35 17:35
Split, Bus terminal 18:00
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.


Promet Makarska d.o.o.
Centrotrans d.d.
Autoprevoz Mostar
Promet Sinj d.o.o.
16 HRK / 26 HRK
 Buy now
ID-9389  17:00 - 20:00
Station Arrival Departure
Sarajevo, Bus terminal 15:00
Konjic 16:00 16:00
Jablanica, Bus terminal 16:30 16:30
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 17:00 17:00
Mostar (West), Bus terminal 17:15 17:15
Citluk 17:30 17:30
Medjugorje, Bus terminal 17:45 17:45
Ljubuski 18:00 18:00
Orahovlje, Border 18:45 18:45
Orah, Border 18:50 18:50
Vrgorac, Bus terminal 19:00 19:00
Makarska, Bus terminal 20:00 20:00
Omis, Firestation > Split 20:45 20:45
Split, Bus terminal 21:15
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.


Croatia bus-Globtour-Jadran ekspres
23.08 HRK / 46.16 HRK
 Buy now
ID-7837  23:30 - 02:55
Station Arrival Departure
Sarajevo, Bus terminal 21:00
Ilidza, Bus terminal 21:12 21:12
Blazuj 21:17 21:17
Hadzici 21:24 21:24
Pazaric 21:31 21:31
Tarcin 21:37 21:37
Bradina 21:46 21:46
Podorasac 21:53 21:53
Konjic 22:00 22:00
Celebici 22:07 22:07
Ribnicki Most 22:11 22:11
Ostrožac 22:17 22:17
Jablanica, Bus terminal 22:30 22:30
Dreznica 22:57 22:57
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 23:25 23:30
Buna 00:09 00:09
Zitomislici 00:17 00:17
Pocitelj 00:30 00:30
Capljina, Bus terminal 00:35 00:35
Doljani, Border 00:50 00:50
Metkovic Border Crossing, Border 01:09 01:09
Metkovic, Bus terminal 01:10 01:10
Opuzen 01:22 01:22
Ploce, Bus terminal 01:40 01:40
Gradac 02:00 02:00
Brist 02:03 02:03
Zaostrog 02:11 02:11
Drvenik 02:15 02:15
Duba 02:25 02:25
Zivogosce 02:27 02:27
Igrane 02:32 02:32
Podgora 02:42 02:42
Tucepi 02:47 02:47
Makarska, Bus terminal 02:55 03:10
Promajna 03:18 03:18
Baska Voda 03:22 03:22
Brela Magistrala 03:27 03:27
Dubci 03:32 03:32
Mimice 03:40 03:40
Ruskamen, 1 (M) > Split 03:46 03:46
Omis, Firestation > Split 03:54 03:54
Dugi Rat 04:00 04:00
Split, Bus terminal 04:30
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.

Promet Makarska d.o.o.
Centrotrans d.d.
Autoprevoz Mostar
Promet Sinj d.o.o.
This information is supplied without liability

Alternative ways of travelling from Mostar to Makarska:

Travel by train: Travelling with train is not possible.

Travel by plane: There is no direct flight.

Large group: if you are a large group you can rent a bus from Mostar to Makarska, more information about coach rental from Mostar you can find here.

Map with buses from Mostar:
