Sarajevo to Podgorica

Travel by Car: The driving distance between Sarajevo and Podgorica (Montenegro) is about 230 km, which equals a travel time of about 4 hours. The road condition is not so good, so travelling time can be a little bit longer, especially in the summer season.

Travel by Bus: Timetable, if any, for direct buses between Sarajevo and Podgorica  is listed below. Alternative to the direct bus is to travel from Sarajevo via Dubrovnik.

Unfortunately we did not find any direct routes matching your search criteria! Here is what to do:

  1. Try to search for a bus to the nearest larger city e.g. Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar or Split and then find a bus from there to your final destination
  2. If this does not give you any options matching your requirements from a time perspective, you should consider using other means of transportation, renting a car would probably be the best option.
  3. If you are travelling to or from an airport in Croatia, you will have to travel to the nearest larger city and then change bus there to reach your final destination.
  4. If you are travelling to one of the larger tourist attractions like e.g. national park Plitvice lakes, you have the option to join an organized bus excursion, more about that here

Alternative ways of travelling from Sarajevo to Podgorica:

Travel by train: On this route there is no direct train, the only possibility is to travel via Belgrade, but time travel will last much longer compared to travel by bus or car.

Travel by plane: On this route there is no direct flight, there is option for flight via Belgrade.

Map with buses from Sarajevo:

Prikaži Bus Sarajevo na većoj karti