Sarajevo to Vela Luka

Travel by car: the driving distance between Sarajevo and Vela Luka is 334 km which equals a travelling time of approximately 6 hours and 10 minutes. This route includes ferry ride.

Travel by bus: if there are any direct buses between Sarajevo and Vela Luka on the island of Korcula, the timetable and ticket prices can be seen below. This route also includes ferry ride.

There are 3 people currently looking how to get from Sarajevo (BA) to Vela Luka (HR)!
  Departure - Arrival Info Company Price (Single / Return)  
ID-5932  11:00 - 19:40
Station Arrival Departure
Sarajevo, Bus terminal 11:00
Hadzici 11:28 11:28
Pazaric 11:36 11:36
Tarcin 11:45 11:45
Bradina 11:59 11:59
Konjic 12:15 12:20
Celebici 12:30 12:30
Ostrožac 12:42 12:42
Jablanica, Bus terminal 12:55 12:55
Dreznica 13:20 13:20
Mostar (east), Bus terminal 13:50 14:00
Buna 14:14 14:14
Zitomislici 14:21 14:21
Pocitelj 14:31 14:31
Capljina, Bus terminal 14:36 14:36
Doljani, Border 14:58 14:58
Metkovic Border Crossing, Border 14:59 14:59
Metkovic, Bus terminal 15:05 15:05
Opuzen 15:15 15:15
Klek Border Crossing, Border 15:33 15:33
Neum GP I, Border 15:35 15:35
Neum 15:37 15:37
Neum GP II, Border 15:38 15:38
Stedrica, Zaton Doli Border Crossing Border 15:44 15:44
Zaton Doli (Ston), Intersection > Ston 15:57 15:57
Janjina 16:45 16:45
Potomje 17:05 17:05
Orebic t/p 17:35 18:00
Korcula, Bus terminal 18:25 18:30
Zrnovo 18:40 18:40
Pupnat 18:50 18:50
Cara 19:09 19:09
Smokvica 19:14 19:14
Blato 19:30 19:30
Vela Luka 19:40
Operational intervals
10.06. - 30.08.


Arriva - Autotrans
Centrotrans d.d.
This information is supplied without liability

Alternative ways of travelling between Sarajevo and Vela Luka:

Travel by train: it is possible to travel by train on this route but only in combination with bus.

Travel by plane: it is not possible to fly on this route.

Map with buses from Sarajevo:

Prikaži Bus Sarajevo na većoj karti